Labels:text | paper | ink | document | letter | font OCR: NO.27 UP FROM THE PITS! NOVEMBER 1974 Yes, after 6 months in the pits we're back! Our NEW BLUE BOX INFO unannounced vacation took place for several reasons the main one being a shortage of help and a surplus We've gotten feedback on the New Blue Box Cir- of work. By now we have sold alot of back issues & cuit (Issue 26). One problem of the circuit is that the income has helped to put us solidly in the black. all the diodes for one frequency must be matched. We will try to come out fairly regularly from now The Motorola Silicon dual diode MSD 6150 (common on, but this depends also on reader contributions & anode) saves PC board space and is a matched pair. printing costs. We are also planning a 1975 Conven- 25¢ each in 100 quantity. If regular diodes are to be tion and need ideas for the co ...